Ornamental Shrubs from
Van Tilburg Nurseries
Van Tilburg Nurseries Ornamental Shrubs
Van Tilburg Nurseries in Moordrecht (NL) is a real family company. We specialize in the growing of a wide variety of sustainable ornamental shrubs.
Van Tilburg Nurseries do not deliver to private customers but exclusively to garden centres and the wholesale trade both at home and abroad.

The plants are grown by hand in the traditional way, with passion and knowledge of the trade, in the soil as well as in containers, resulting in beautiful healthy plants.

Our Team
The family company Van Tilburg Nurseries, situated in Moordrecht, works with a trustworthy team of motivated staff whose aim is to serve the client with the quality which they should expect.

The assortment consists, amongst others, of Acer, Cotoneaster, Prunus, Salix, Syringa and Viburnum grown as standards, and Cotinus, Hydrangea petiolaris, Laburnum and Philadelphus grown as shrubs.